My Work and Travel Experience in Minnesota

Olda is an AUBG student who shared her Work and Travel story with us.
First time in the States
This was my first time going to the United States. I chose Minnesota because based on the job offers I got from the agency, it was one of the best ones. Also, the fact that I was going to work in an amusement park, was very exciting.
I went there about mid-May, and started working literally not even a week later. I worked in the Valleyfair Amusement Park, a big amusement park that I literally fell in love with. There were so many fun things to do there, it was a job but I fell so in love with it and seeing kids all over made me so happy.

My housing was very close to the park and only 30-minute drive to Minneapolis, the capital city. Mall of America was a big plus, the biggest mall in the United States, which literally has its OWN ZIPCODE. We had a shuttle that would drive us where we wanted to go.
Except all this, one thing that I absolutely loved was living in an International dorm, with 250 internationals, which means parties every night, never feeling lonely, and creating a worldwide family. I created such a good bond with people there, and now I will have family in basically every country I want to go to.
Some of the experiences that I had there and that I will never forget are: skydiving, ride nights, international Monday parties, and visiting different places while creating memories that will never die.

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