In order to participate in the work and travel usa program you need to:
I am not a Bulgarian citizen, can I enroll for Work and Travel program?
Yes, you can! The program is open to all full time students enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution in Bulgaria.
Can I travel together with friends?

Of course you can! There are no limitations on the number of people that can travel together. We will find positions for you with an employer that is capable of hiring large groups. Another option is to work for multiple employers in the same city – this is a preferred option when the language capabilities of the people in the group differs one from another.
You can travel with friends that you study with but not only. If you want to be in a group with friends that study in other cities/universities you just have to let us know so that we can process your documents simultaneously. We have offices in almost all cities with higher educational institutions in their area, so you don’t have to sign up in the same office. Even more you can travel with a friend that studies abroad, as long as he signs up with us and you plan your travel dates accordingly. The only requirement for students abroad is to be a Bulgarian citizen.
If you are scared to travel alone – don’t be! We can get you in touch with other students that are working either for the same employer or in the same area.
Can I participate in my first year of study?

Sign up now and secure a job offer as early as possible but keep in mind that in order to go on a visa interview you need have gone through your first semester final exams, ideally passing most of them successfully.
Can I participate in my senior year?

Of course you can! All full time students, bachelors and masters degree alike, can participate in the Work and Travel USA program, regardless of the year of study.
All you need to do to get the visa is having clear plans for your immediate future in Bulgaria after the summer in the States.
When can I travel to the USA?
One of the first important steps, right after you sign up for the program is checking with your university whether there are any special rules for students traveling to the US, like an early exams session. A lot of students simply negotiate an individual exam date with their professors, which allows them to travel to the US as early as possible. We would advise talking with your fellow students that have been on the program before how they managed to work around their exam dates.
It is important to have a clear idea when you will be able to travel, taking into consideration the date requirements of the employers you want to apply with.
We start each season at the begging of the academic year. In order to sign up simply visit the nearest Usit Colours office and carry:
A Personal ID
A deposit of $199
How to enroll in the Summer Work and Travel Program?
To sign up for WAT entirely remotely the process is as follows:
Sign up for the program here.
Choose an office that you think will be convenient for you to visit during the program
Our colleagues will contact you to confirm the registration and discuss the next steps as well as the program type you want.
We will send you a participation contract, which you can sign via an app
USIT go to usa
We are Usit Colours - one of the leading US exchange programs agencies in Bulgaria, and GO TO USA is our website, specially designed to present the destination US. Our aim is to provide you with all the information you need to plan your trip to the US. We would be delighted if you choose us to be your exchange program agency for Work and Travel, Internship or Camp Counselor USA.